Psyllium husk is also an excellent source of soluble fiber. Although it is slightly more expensive that Metamucil, it is safer and more natural. Most people are suffering from indigestion as they consume unhealthy food, do not take proper sleep, and many other such problems. However she isn’t concerned about that because she was not using it for that purpose. The active ingredients used in ColonBroom powder also help in weight reduction, which helps to bring down blood pressure levels in the body. In Nursing graduate and registered nurse with a heartfelt concern for abandoned animals. After many years of being inactive, her bowel movements finally started to function properly again. Supplementation with Psyllium may also be effective in reducing systolic blood Pressure. This is a great way to rejuvenate your body, boost your immune response, and improve your metabolic processes. Colon Broom is also a natural detoxifier that helps to eliminate toxins accumulated in the digestive tract. ColonBroom is not sold in pharmacies or other drugstores due to its extraordinary mode of action, and high tolerance. It has a pleasant taste, eases bloating and constipation, and enhances gut health in general. Kate is an expert on nutrition and food, and has competed in bodybuilding for more than 10 years. She is a content strategist who specializes both in pet health articles and medical-related articles. It is not a good idea to take the supplement before bed.