Particularly, it is claimed that they may contain harmful minerals which, over time, accumulate in your body, increase toxicity, and eventually, can raise the risk for prostate cancer. Denosumab was administered at 60mg once every 6 months for osteoporosis prevention. The risk of developing prostate cancer and acquiring it is significantly reduced when essential vitamins, mineral, plant herbs, or antioxidants are used. It is safe and natural and can help improve overall health. But now , the prostatitis patients have to use the seven part of Chinese medicine "point and whole symthetical balance treatment" to cure. The product has also maintained strong sales despite the volume of affiliates and sales. I went to the urologist to confirm my suspicions. A prostate-specific antigen blood screening test is one screening test for prostate carcinoma. This study showed that both tests performed similarly and could both aid in decision-making as to whether to proceed with a prostate biopsy.