In prostate tumors, a variety of somatic mutations have been identified that are responsible for their growth. The FDA has not approved the use of pomegranate as a treatment for cancer or any other medical condition. Recurrent urinary tract infections can lead to chronic prostatitis. Proton beams on the other side have more charge, heavy mass, and can target deep tissue. The conversion rate is almost 1.5%. Consuming them will not cause any side effects. Better bladder control is possible with three sets each of 10 Kegals. Results were analyzed with the statistical program GraphPad Prism 4. It comes with 100% customer satisfaction along with a 60-day money-back guarantee. You can read our editorial policy to learn how we ensure that our content stays current and accurate. Its active ingredients help to treat prostate diseases such as Benign Prostate hyperplasia or prostate cancer.