Men with prostate cancer have lower %-free PSA (%fPSA), than men with benign conditions. This included a Bonferroni posthoc test and Student test. However, dietary supplementation doesn't result in increased zinc within the prostate. In the absence radiographic metastases, no evidence exists to help determine the best time for ADT to be started. External beam radiotherapy became more popular as stronger X-ray radiation sources became available in the middle of the 20th century. Our A2Z Health Tips section has a wealth of information on how to stay healthy and treat common illnesses. Prostadine is a combination a number of natural ingredients that help to prevent prostate enlargement. Your doctor may also discuss clinical trials with patients, which could offer better outcomes that standard treatments. You should quit smoking, but you do not have to stop eating these healthy foods. Prostadine formula uses Chinese Ginseng as one of its key ingredients. Low grade cancers usually do not affect quality of life or lead to early death. Side effects can vary in severity and each treatment has a different success rate for treating prostate cancer.